Sensatez del informal e insensatez del gobierno

El Perú es un país de informales: 72,4% de nuestra población económicamente activa labora en actividades informales, mayormente (82,4%) en empresas de no más de 5 trabajadores. Hablamos de 4,2 millones de hogares que perciben ingresos de origen exclusivamente informal y que, a pesar de generar el 31,6% del PBI, tienen una productividad menor a…

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China is the largest trading partner of more than half of the world’s countries, and that trend will increase after the pandemic. What about deglobalization or decoupling?

  China is currently the largest trading partner of more than half of the countries in the world, and many especially depend on China as the largest source of their imports (See table below). This was evident in this pandemic when it was seen that everyone bought masks, gloves, personal protective equipment, and even test…

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